Free Printables

Welcome to our Printables Library. Here you will find our Free Printables. Everything from travel packing lists to luggage tags and gift tags! They are free for all of our email subscribers.

Polka Dot Chair Printable Library

Free Printables for Polka Dot Chair Email Subscribers

Subscriptions to the site are FREE just enter your email below. We add new printables to this printable library every month, if you’re on our list you’ll never miss a free printable!

How to Access the Library

Image of computer on desk with books and pencils

The library is password protected. If you don’t know the password, use the form below to sign up for our newsletter to get it.


Already Subscribed?

Our Libraries are password protected. We change the password monthly and include the password in all of our emails to you, so you won’t need to worry about memorizing it. Check the last email from us for your password.

If you did forget it, visit this page.

Terms of Use

All are copyrighted and for personal use ONLY. You may NOT sell or use them for any commercial purpose. You may, however, use them for purposes related to charities (school bake sales, church fundraisers, etc). They not be copied, reprinted, or distributed. You may not sell items made from these patterns for profit.