Fun Weekend Sewing Projects & Creative Inspiration

Are you looking for a little creative inspiration to start your weekend? Maybe an idea for a fun weekend project? Today I have 7 fun project suggestions for you. I’m also excited to be sharing a tiny sneak peek at my next collection, Derby Day with you. Including a “peek” at a new quilt pattern.

Patchwork Paddock Pattern by Melissa Mortenson featuring Derby Day Fabrics

I feel like I want to start this post by screaming “it’s way too cold outside”!!!! Judging by the news reports, I’m not the only one that thinks so.  Here in Kentucky, we get cold, but relatively mild winters.  It will drop below freezing for several days in a row, but temps in the single digits are not normal for us.  Like much of the US, we’ve spent the last 2 weeks in a deep freeze. Lows in the 0’s and single digits, and highs only in the teens.

Our kids have gone to school 7 days since Christmas break.  Even though they are old enough to entertain themselves, the constant “hey, Mom” is starting to get to me.   Before you western and northerners judge us too hastily for the canceled days of school, I do have to say that under our 3 inches of snow was a layer of ice.  The high humidity here makes for icy winters, and as you know 4WD does you no good when the roads are a skating rink.  I grew up in Utah and used to laugh when they called off school for a few inches, now I get it.

Needless to say, I’ve had a lot of time to read a lot of blogs (and watch Netflix) the last 2 weeks. While I was reading (under the covers of my down comforter, since it was too cold to get out of bed) I found some fun things online that I wanted to share with you.  So if you’ve been looking for a fun weekend sewing project, you might want to check a few of these out (a couple is really cool technique tutorials that I spotted online as well).

Weekend Sewing Projects Suggestions:

ONE: Sew Goodness 2018- Diary of a Quilter

Tips for Sewing for good- lots of great ideas for Charity sewing projects


I have felt for a while that I needed to do something to “give back” with regards to sewing or quilting. I did anything because I never knew where to start.   When I saw that Amy was starting a “Sew for a Good Cause” program this year, I knew I needed to share it with you guys.

Each month she is sharing a prompt with ideas and suggestions of things you can do to “spread good cheer”.  If you’ve been looking for something to do, you might want to check it out. They are simple projects (like pillowcases) that you can tackle in a weekend, or on a free evening.  It’s a great idea and I’m so glad that she is going it.

TWO: Freshly Pieced Printable Half Square Triangle Templates

How to make perfect Half Square Triangles - uses paper templates

How to make perfect Half Square Triangles - uses paper templates

If you’re a fan of making Half Square Triangles for quilts you might want to check out the new printable templates from Lee over at Freshly Pieced. They are templates that you print at home, then sew on the paper and the fabric, cut out and you have perfect Half Square Triangles! It works even for tiny pieces. I’ve got the pattern and can’t wait to try it out.

THREE: Safari Party Hoop Art – Flamingo Toes

Safari Party Embroidery Hoop - free embroidery pattern and fun weekend sewing project

I spotted two fun projects made with Safari Party Fabric recently. The first one is this fun Embroidery Hoop art from Bev at Flamingo Toes. It’s absolutely hilarious! She has a free pattern for it on her site.

FOUR: Knotted Bow Headband Tutorial – Coral & Co.

Tutorial for a knotted bow girls headband. Can be made on the Cricut Maker

The second one is this Knotted Bow Tutorial by Shelley at Coral and Co Blog. I love how she pulled the soft pinks and the mint from the line for this project. She’s got a tutorial for the project that uses the Cricut Maker on her blog, you should stop by and check it out.

FIVE: How to Make your Own Bias Binding – Tilly & the Buttons

How to make your own bias binding

If you’ve ever wondered how to make your own Bias Binding, there is a tutorial over at Tilly and the Buttons. I love her sewing patterns and pretty much everything she does. The tutorial is fantastic and shows you how to make bias binding.  Using it is a great way to add and an “extra” detail to your project.

SIX: How to Spray Baste a Quilt – Cluck Cluck Sew

How to Spray Baste A Quilt


Okay, so I have a confession. I hate safety pins, I basted a quilt with safety pins once and I swore I’d never do it again.  A few years ago, I tried out spray basting and loved it.  This tutorial from Alison is pretty much how I baste my quilts for quilting. She bastes on the floor, which I do also but have found lately that I can also baste on my design wall. Which is much easier on the knees.

SEVEN:  The newest quilt pattern in the shop is the Patchwork Paddock Quilt pattern.

Patchwork Paddock quilt pattern, a fun graphic medallion style quilt pattern by melissa mortenson of featuring Derby Day fabrics

It’s a simple geometric quilt inspired by medallion quilt patterns.

You can find it in the shop!

EIGHT: Derby Day Fabric

Derby Day Fabric by Melissa Mortenson for Riley Blake Designs


Okay, lastly, word is that Derby Day is in the warehouse and due to ship to stores in a few weeks! I’ve been doing a few things besides laying in bed freezing this month LOL! I’ve been shooting photos of the projects for Derby Day (taking advantage of all of the reflected light off the snow).

I’m just waiting to finish a few more projects, get more fabric in the mail,  and I should have a lookbook to share with you soon. If you’re a store and waiting for “Fabric photos” just be patient with me, I’ll have them ready ASAP! Just email me if you need anything before I post it.


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