Where it belongs…
When I left Utah 15 years ago my grandmother told me to come over and get her sewing machine before I left. You see, the machine was to be mine after she passed away and she wanted me to have it. I couldn’t go get it, it seemed weird to go and take her things with her around even though it was to be mine “someday”. Plus I really think she still used it.
She passed away a few years ago and my parents had been babysitting the machine for me. I guess I should have considered taking it 15 years ago because 1- it’s too heavy and expensive to ship, 2- people don’t often drive from Utah to Kentucky. I wasn’t sure if how I’d ever get it out here.
Well after collecting dust at my parents house for years (they didn’t have a good spot to store it) I guess they decided it was time to deliver it. So this summer they drove it to me here in Kentucky (they did stay and visit for a couple of weeks too :))…
Now it’s here in my house and we found the perfect spot for it.
My dad told me it was actually my Great Grandmothers sewing machine. She passed it on to my Grandmother. When I was a kid I remember sitting at this machine and sewing Barbie clothes. My Grandma was always great to let us make a mess in her house and my sister and I used to spend hours back there “cooking” things up on this machine.
From what I understand it still works, …. might have to learn how to use it… maybe my daughter needs some Barbie clothes.
It is gorgeous…looks like the machine I grew up sewing on. What great memories of learning to sew doll and barbie clothes.
I have one of these too… but I’ve just set my newer model on top of the table. The sewing machine is not nearly as clean as yours!
What a treasure! Enjoy your ‘new’ machine.
My grandmother had one of these…enjoy your treasure and memories!
Wow, that’s gorgeous! You must be so happy to finally have it home!
My grandma also had one of these! How wonderful for you!
What a fabulous treasure.
Do me a favor and don’t tell grandma stories the third week of every month! I’m a ball of tears right now and it’s only 7:49am!! Thanks a lot!! haha
Seriously though this touched me. I have a very similar story with something of my grandfathers (he played the role in my life that your grandma did in yours)
So cool! I have one almost identical that I was given when my Grandmother passed away. I really treasure it as I know you do too.
Gorgeous! I have an old treadle Singer sewing machine that belonged to my great-grandmother as well. 🙂
Amazing! My mother has one of these but it’s not in nearly as great shape as yours!
How sweet is that? And to find out it was Great Gram’s too is awesome! I have one but its much newer. Do you know they still make these? I just ordered a new belt for mine in case I want to use it (or need to if the power goes out)! Wouldn’t do to be without a machine to sew on. I also found lots of information online including operation manuals. Have fun and enjoy that machine.
I have a smaller but similar one from my great grandmother as well. I use the table part of it every time I sew. I just love the reminder I get from it every time I sit at it.
What an amazingly cool piece! It looks wonderful.
My mother has been trying to take some things for “when she’s gone,” and I felt weird too. Fortunately, since we just closed up her house and moved her in with us to take care of her, problem solved!
Cool…what a lovely memento.
Oh wow, that is amazing! What a wonderful family heirloom to have.
Very cool to have such a piece of you history in your home!
WOW that is so awesome….even if you don’t use it…such a memory! I have one almost exactly like it that was my great grandmother….unfortunately while it does sit in my living room it is all closed up(that is what happens with 2 under the age of 3yr!) 🙂
Wow. What a wonderful keepsake and a beautiful memory. The sewing machine is gorgeous. I can’t wait to see what, if anything, you decide to do with it 🙂
What a treasure! My mom has one….but I have 2 sisters…not sure who is in line to get it. I saw one at DI one day and about died that people would send it there, of course it was a time I just couldn’t buy it and it killed me to leave it there!
I have one that I bought at an antique store. It is gorgeous. My grandmother still sews on hers. In fact, my “belt” is the same as yours, loose. But my grandfather, who always keeps my grandmother’s in shape, says you can shorten it by taking out the staple sort of thing and just getting an ice pick and making a new hole. That is, unless it is dry rotted. Then you need to get a new one. I would LOVE to learn to sew on mine and actually make a quilt with it.
beautiful machine and very nice story!
I recently purchased a Singer treadle machine (model 128) on ebay that was refurbished, and found the cabinet and treadle at a local antique shop. I have made quilts in the past and wanted to try it on the treadle machine. I have had so much fun doing this! If you want to know when and where your machine was made ISMACS (International Singer Sewing Machine Collectors Society). It’s full of interesting information.