5 Cute DIY Projects Perfect for Spring!

I think the warm Spring weather has inspired Makers everywhere to create! I have seen so many cute Spring themed projects popping up in my BlogLovin and Pinterest feeds this week and I thought I’d share some of the cute things that caught my eye!

It will be painfully obvious after you read this post that I have “bunnies on the brain” right now! With easter a few weeks away, and with Wonderland Two now in stores I’ve been spotting so many bunnies that they are starting to make their way into my dreams (thankfully, they are all cute and fluffy, no Monty Python-esque killer bunnies have made an appearance *wink*)

To find out more about the project, just click the words or the photos below. You may even find some fun new blogs to add to your reading list!

Sweet Floral Bunny Towel Sewing Tutorial @ Flamingo Toes
  1. Sweet Floral Bunny Dish Towel @ Flamingo Toes

Bev at Flamingo Toes always has the sweetest projects. This cute bunny towel DIY is no exception. I love the hand stitching that she added, it gives the towel an extra bit of vintage charm.

DIY Bunny Headbands at Say Yes

2. DIY Bunny Ears Headband @ Say Yes

Wouldn’t these cute bunny ears headbands look adorable on a little one on Easter morning? I actually had the idea to do a similar tutorial, then saw this one pop up in my Pinterest feed, so I moved on to another project. I thought the idea was too cute not to share!… Get the DIY over at Say Yes.

3. Tips for Working with Liberty Fabrics @ Diary of a Quilter

I have a nice collection of Liberty Lawn fabrics that I’m saving for a “special occasion”. Which is pretty much code for, “I’ll save them ’til I die”… I honestly hope that I don’t leave them to the next generation, but am never quite sure how to work with them. Liberty fabrics are special for a reason, and Amy over at Diary of a Quilter is teaching you how to use and care for the fabric.

How to sew a custom Easter Basket Liner

4. How to Sew a Custom Easter Basket Liner

This project is a couple of years old but I thought it was worth sharing again! Back when my kids were small, you couldn’t find a cute white easter basket to save your life! They were all brightly colored and plastic. I stumbled on a few wood baskets several years ago and gave them a fresh coat of paint.  I also made custom basket liners for them. This tutorial will teach you how to make a custom easter basket liner for ANY basket!

Upcycled mason and food jar craft ideas at Lolly Jane

5.Recycled Food Mason Jars @ Lolly Jane

I love this project. It’s also a few years old but just SCREAMS Spring to me. Not only is it clever, it’s also insanely useful. Learn how to make these cute jars over at Lolly Jane.

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