Embellished Zip Pouch Tutorial

I hope you enjoy this free zippered pouch tutorial & sewing pattern. If you like this post you may also like this leather trimmed zip pouch tutorial. 


Free Sewing Pattern for an embellished stand up zippered pouch - fun little sewing tutorial

Zippered pouches are my “go to” item when I need a gift that is both cute and easy to make.  They are simple to construct and can be filled with all kinds of wonderful things to make the recipient feel special.

I’ve posted several zippered pouches here before but never a tutorial,  mostly assuming that people already had a favorite method of making zip pouches.  What I’ve learned (from your emails) is that not everybody does,  and that some of you might appreciate a full tutorial on how to make one of these fun bags.  The tutorial I’m sharing with you today is how I make a zip pouch.  There are lots of other great tutorials out there if you’d like more ideas on how to make one.

Free Sewing Pattern for an embellished stand up zippered pouch - fun little sewing tutorial


This pouch has has few extra little details, like the addition a sparkly zipper pull,

Free Sewing Pattern for an embellished stand up zippered pouch

and a bow made from purchased trim.

The tutorial that I’m sharing with you today is for a zippered pouch that has a bottom gusset and measures approximately 8″ tall x 9 1/2″ wide.  You can change the dimensions of this to whatever YOU like.   The only thing you need to keep the same is the width of your bag and the length of your zipper.  They should both be the same. For example, if you are using a 12″ zipper, make your pouch piece 13″ wide (12″ zipper is longer than 12″ in reality)…. but the height of the pouch can be anything you like.

Play around with the pattern and make it your own.  Add trims or buttons or sparkly things… You can see a few other zip pouches I’ve made in the past here and here and here if you need more ideas.

To begin you’ll need:

  • 9″ zipper
  • 2 pieces fabric 10″x10″ for pouch
  • 2 pieces fabric 10″x10″ for pouch lining
  • 2 pieces fusible fleece 10″x10″
  • 1/2 – 3/4 yd of decorative trim
  • decorative button

Sewing Instructions:

Begin by pressing the fusible fleece to the wrong side of both of the pouch pieces.

Now lay your pouch front piece right side up and place your zipper on top of it, zipper right side down.

Lay your pouch lining piece on top of this right side down.  Pin the whole length.

Using the zipper foot on your machine, stitch through all layers, going slowly. I find it easiset to sew with the lining side towards my feed dogs on my machine.

Next  repeat with the other pouch and pouch lining pieces.  In this photo, the zipper is in the middle, the pouch lining piece is on the bottom (right side up) and the pouch front piece is on the top right side down.

Press pouch along the zipper.   Top stitch.

Next embellish your pouch.  Sew a piece of trim approx. 2 1/2″ up from the bottom of the pouch front piece.  To sew it on you’ll simply top stitch along each side of the trim.

To make the bow. Fold 2 raw ends of a piece of trim towards the center.  Over lap them a bit.  Just play around with it until it’s the size you want.

Now take a needle and thread and run a stitch up the center of the bow. Pull tight to cinch the bow.  Loop the thread around the center of the bow several times and secure with a stitch. Don’t cut your thread.

Free Sewing Pattern for an embellished stand up zippered pouch

Sew your button to the center of your bow.  Now stitch the bow/button to your pouch front, on top of the trim.  Place the edge of the bow about 1 1/2″ in from the side of the pouch.

Unzip the zipper (DO NOT FORGET this step).

Lay the pouch with right sides together.  The right sides of the lining pieces together and the right sides of the pouch together.  Fold the zipper towards the lining when you pin it.

Stitch around the circumference of the pouch leaving a 3″ opening in the lining piece.

Next take one of the corners and pinch it so that the 2 seams are sitting on top of each other and the corner comes to a point. Measure in 1″ from the tip of the point and draw a line. Stitch along this line, making sure to back stitch.

Repeat for all 4 corners.  Trim off triangular shaped pieces of fabric.

To finish. Turn the pouch right side out and press.  Slip stitch the opening in the lining closed.

To finish off my pouch I added a charm as a zipper pull.  You can get them in the craft section at most stores.

Free Sewing Pattern for an embellished stand up zippered pouch - fun little sewing tutorial


Free Sewing Pattern for an embellished stand up zippered pouch

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