I’m So Fancy, Make Up Bag Pattern
This project was met by hysterical laughs from my 18 year old daughter today when I told her to go get me some “fancy” stuff to put in the make up bag. “Mom, why do you know this song?” she asked in between gasps for air. Apparently I’m just REALLY old to her.
But if you’ve turned on a radio at all this summer I’m sure you’ve heard this song playing over and over again. It’s one of those that gets stuck in your head all day… whether or not that’s a good thing who knows.
I love playing around with printable fabric when I’m dreaming up new projects and I thought printing out the song lyrics to turn into a little make up clutch would be kinda fun. YEP, you can print on fabric. You just have to buy fabric sheets specifically designed for ink jet printers at your local craft store. This project takes one sheet of printable fabric.
I even added a little bit of lyrics to the back of the clutch… even though after I printed it I realized it’s the WRONG lyric… so don’t worry I’ve fixed it on the free printable… it now says “You already know”… although I think Iggy should consider changing it to “everyone” *wink* I mentioned it above, but just to be clear, YES this is a free printable. Just click on over to the templates page on my site to download it.
To make the bag you’ll need – supply links below #afflinks:
1 Sheet of Printable Fabric (non fusible) and
free printable downloaded here
1 fat quarter of fabric for lining
7″ metal zipper
Zipper foot for sewing machine
Begin by printing out the PDF file onto your printable fabric. READ THE DIRECTIONS on the package to see what to do next to set the ink. Don’t skip this step. Every manufacturer is different in what is needed to set the ink. Cut the printable in half along the dotted line. You have two pieces each 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 Cut two pieces 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 from 1) your fat quarter for the lining 2) The Shape Flex 3) The Fusible Fleece. Press the shape flex interfacing onto the wrong side of your bag outside pieces. Press the fusible fleece onto the wrong side of your lining pieces.
Pin the RIGHT side of your zipper to the RIGHT side of your outside fabric front piece. Now pin the RIGHT side of your lining piece to the WRONG side of your zipper.
With a zipper foot on your sewing machine, stitch through all layers. Move the zipper pull if it gets in your way as you sew. (needle down, move zipper pull, keep sewing)
Next finger press these pieces away from your zipper. Then pin the RIGHT side of your other lining piece to the WRONG side of the other side of the zipper. Pin the RIGHT side of your back bag outside piece to the RIGHT side of the zipper. Stitch through all layers. Using an iron, press all seams away from the zipper. Using your zipper foot, top stitch close to the edge of the zipper.
Unzip the Zipper. Pin the right sides of the bag outside together and pin the right sides of the bag lining together. Press the zipper seams towards the lining pieces. Sew around the entire perimeter with a 1/2″ seam allowance. Leave a 3″ opening in the lining to turn the bag right side out. DON’T sew over the metal parts of the zipper, just the fabric “tails”. Clip the corners and trim down the seams of the lining pieces to 1/8″
Turn right side out. Press.
Hand stitch or machine stitch opening closed. That’s it you’re done! Now you can be all “fancy” !
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