iPad Cozy… a tutorial

I’ve been traveling a lot this year.  One thing I’ve noticed is that I’m a bit clumsy on a plane.   Juggling pens, iPads, headphones etc. in your tiny seat is not an easy thing to do.

I started using a ziploc bag to keep these things in, then realized that I should make something nicer– as I started sewing this little pouch I had the idea of attaching it to my iPad to make things more compact. I still use this case that I made, but wanted a 2nd option.

This is just a simple pouch with an elastic hair headband attached (so I could have a cute color 🙂  you could use regular elastic, but I liked the grippy stuff on the hair band).

Using the hair band you can attach the cozy to just the inside cover of your iPad or around the entire case, depending on what you need to use it for.  (You could also use this with Apple’s smart cover, which I used until I dropped my iPad a few too many times and realized I needed a sturdier case).
Here’s what you need to get started:
Elastic Hair Headband
1 7″ zipper
scraps of fabric, I used laminate for the front
Extra wide double fold bias tape
Fusible Fleece
Heavy weight interfacing
If you use laminate fabric, remember to use your teflon foot.
To begin, cut 4 pieces of fabric.  They will each be 2″ wide by the length of your zipper.  2 for the front and 2 for the lining.
To your 2 front pieces iron the heavy weight fusible interfacing to the back (if using laminate fabric, make sure you don’t iron the front!!)
To your 2 lining pieces attach fusible fleece.
Pin one front piece to the zipper and one lining piece to the zipper.  Stitch using your zipper foot.
Repeat for the other side.
Cut 2 pieces of laminate fabric to 2″ wide by 4″ long.  Fold in half and pin to the ends of your zipper piece. Making sure that the zipper piece is laying straight and flat.
Stitch the folded fabric to the zipper piece, near the zipper at and the seam. Trim off excess fabric.
Cut your elastic to 9″ long
Pin to ends of zipper piece. Stitch in place. Go over the seam several times to secure.
Measure the size of this piece.  Then cut 1 piece of your main fabric the same size and one piece of  lining fabric the same size.
Attach heavyweight fusible interfacing to the main fabric piece and fusible fleece to the lining piece.
Make a “sandwich” in the following order:
Back outside piece & Back lining piece, wrong sides together.
Zipper piece (with the lining touching the back piece lining)
With a scant 1/4″ seam stitch around entire piece.
To finish the raw edge, stitch double fold extra wide bias tape over the edges.  Hide the seam of your bias tape under the ends of one piece of elastic.

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  1. What a brilliant idea! I was just complaining to my husband the other day about my crappy ziplock bag storage of earbuds and stylus. Thanks so much for posting!

  2. Love the cozy! I made your other case and use it all of the time! Did you cover your smart cover with something? Thanks for the tutorial!

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