DIY Disney Cruise t-shirts

I feel like I’m sewing all the time but I don’t have much to show for it… do you ever get that feeling?

But I did want to share with you today some of the stuff I’ve been working on: 


For family night before we left for spring break all the kids made t-shirts for the trip. We used my Disney cricut cartridges and freezer paper stencils. The kids got to design them 100% and did a very good job! I need to dig them out of the laundry and take a better photo, but here’s one I snapped while we were gone.


The back of one of the shirts…

These t-shirts were made with a Cricut Machine and Freezer paper.
I used the Life’s A Beach and Disney Font cartridges.

Life is a Beach Cartridge

from: Cricut

Disney® Mickey Font Cartridge

from: Cricut

If you have a new Cricut Explore Air™ machine then you can find all of the images in the Cricut Design Space, just type “life’s a beach” into the search bar.

To get a great tutorial for freezer paper stenciling, click HERE.
The Best Machine for DIY Projects


Also in the “I need a better photo category” is this little tank top and skirt combo.  I wanted her to have something fun since we were going on a cruise, I made it using my skirt tutorial (find it here) then just a simple applique on the tank top- she wore it doubled up with a hot pink tank underneath… The fabric is by Heather Ross, I’m almost out of it… trying not to panic 🙂 I want to add some ruffles to the sleeves tank in the orange fabric… maybe next week..


okay, this is a “sneak peek” at my next pattern… It should be ready in a couple of weeks. A lot of you asked for a “July Bag”… this is it… Traci and I are teaming up, she is going to do the illustrations for the applique on the bags, we’ll offer kits for sale in the shop too!!

Half of the work of designing a new pattern is sewing it and making sure it will work, then the other half of the work is writing the pattern, testing the pattern and modifying it… hopefully I’ll get it out to you guys soon!!

It’s not super exciting, but I’m always amazed how some cellophane and cute ribbon can dress up a simple gift. This was for teacher appreation last week. I got her some nice notebooks, post its, pens, pencils and a target gift card.

I’ve got a few projects that aren’t ready to share yet, and a few projects that I need to get some photos of. Maybe I need to re evaluate my “work” process because I feel like I’m working all the time! But not much to share yet. I think it’s because I’m working on a few new patterns and there is a lot of “trial and error”… so lots of unpicking, redesigning and last minute trips to Joanns… (just when you think you have what you need, there is some silly little thing you forgot to get!)


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  1. Can’t wait to see the July bag! Looks adorable! Oh, and don’t worry. Everyone is swamped at the end of the school year. I know my blog reading has slowed down, much less my blog writing!

  2. Boy can I relate to your title of this post!! Only for me this week I have had lots of “Mom” things to take care of. I am hoping to sew soon.

  3. cute bag, the crab is so so cute. We love eating them! I feel the same way right now, seems like I’m sewing all the time now with not much to show!!

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