More Handmade Dolls

Last week I shared with you guys a  doll that I made for my sister’s little girl for Christmas, today I thought I’d share with you the dolls I made for her boys.

But first- my sister (Emily) sent me this sweet photo of her cutie pie with the doll.. adorable huh???


Now, truth be told, I was not thinking that Emily’s boys would be too excited about handmade dolls, so I will admit this was more a gift for my sister than her kids.

A few days before I mailed off the dolls I shared this photo on insgatram:

I forgot that my sister followed me on instagram. Her son saw the photo and said “is that me?”… funny enough it was.

My nephews have a great love for anything Batman, so I decided to make the dolls little superhero’s in disguise.

I sewed the dolls (using a pattern from the Wee Wonderfuls book).  Then made a little cape and mask to go on each boy.

My sister said that when they opened one, one little boy said:

“I don’t need to have anything to do with this”… not a big fan of dolls..

But the other one loved it- and my sister said they are all going up on a “high shelf” anyway!

You may have noticed that the boys have on “store bought” clothes-  well I didn’t realize until too late that there was not a pattern for pants and a t-shirt for the size of doll I decided to make in the book. (I just made the girl doll and left off the pigtails)….


After a failed attempt (or 10) to draft a t-shirt and pants  I was off to Target to find clothes to fit those dolls! I ended up with jeans for an American Girl doll and a newborn onesie that I cut off and hemmed.

I love how the dolls look all lined up— and I think it’s so cute that they “match” each of her kids.

In other news:

I’m off to Salt Lake City today to visit Family and take my daughter on a college visit!!   (I can’t believe she’s old enough for college)…

I’m also so excited to tell you that I’ve been invited to be on the Riley Blake Fabric’s Design team!! I was so flattered that they asked me!

The projects all start in February, so watch their blog for awesome ideas!!

Riley Blake Fabrics has invited me to tour their warehouse while I’m in Salt Lake City along with a few other members of the Design team! I’m so stinkin’ excited I can’t hardly stand it!!

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