Meet The Pumpkin Patch Ghosts Halloween Quilt Pattern!

Say hello to the Pumpkin Patch Ghosts Halloween quilt pattern! This easy-to-follow, fat quarter-friendly pattern features pieced pumpkin and ghost quilt blocks and use strip piecing, which allows you to create this quilt in no time!

pink quilt with orange striped pumpkins and ghosts

Last year, I worked with My Girlfriends Quilt Shoppe to design a special boxed Halloween quilt kit. You may recall seeing the kits in my weekly newsletters.

woman standing next to car gray quilt outdoors, pumpkin quilt with dark gray background and white ghosts quilt blocks

They are an amazing company that carries a lot of really fun kits and seasonal fabrics. Now that the kit is no longer available, I can offer you the quilt pattern as a separate purchase.

About the Quilt Pattern

gray quilt outdoors, pumpkin quilt with dark gray background and white ghosts quilt blocks
  • 63″ x 63″
  • Constructed using Fat Quarters for Pumpkins & Ghosts
  • Pumpkin Blocks are strip-pieced (make two at once!)

The Pumpkin Patch Ghosts quilt pattern measures 63″ x 63″ features strip pieced pumpkin quilt blocks and ghost quilt blocks.

I’m sure that those of you who grew up in the 80’s can recognize my inspiration for the pattern (think yellow chomping circle video game, LOL!)

Design Tip

The quilt blocks from the Tic Tac Cat quilt pattern also finish at 9″ x 9″! Swap out some blocks for the Cat or Witch Hat blocks to give you quilt even more variety!

The Pumpkin Patch Ghosts Quilt pattern blocks finish at 9″ x 9″. The quilt has 25 Pumpkin Quilt Blocks, 17 “blank” blocks, and 7 Ghost Quilt blocks.

gray quilt outdoors, pumpkin quilt with dark gray background and white ghosts quilt blocks

The quilt’s background fabric is Sparkler in Charcoal. The tiny flecks of gold in this fabric are perfect for a Halloween quilt, reminding me of the night sky!

The pumpkin and ghost blocks were created using my Spooky Schoolhouse fabric collection.

gray quilt outdoors, pumpkin quilt with dark gray background and white ghosts quilt blocks

How to Buy the Pattern

You can buy the pattern in our shop!

Note: if you are outside the USA, please purchase via our Etsy shop!

Pink-O-Ween Version

pink quilt with orange striped pumpkins and ghosts

I adore the current trend of adding pink to Halloween decor! I’ve always been a HUGE Halloween fan, but the fun, cute, creative Halloween, not the creepy, scary Halloween. Adding a bit of pink to a Halloween project is the perfect way to bring out that fun, cute vibe!

pink quilt with orange striped pumpkins and ghosts

The pink version of the quilt was constructed with Sparkler Fabric in Ballerina as a background and a selection of orange fat quarters for the pumpkins. The ghosts are Sparkler Fabric in Vintage White.

Video Instructions

While I was in Utah working with Girlfriends Quilt Shoppe, I filmed a video walking you through the construction of the quilt’s blocks. You can find it on their YouTube channel.

Additional Fabric Combinations

Here is the pattern mocked up in a few other fabric combinations, including a few currently available Halloween fabric collections and one using all Sparkler fabrics (which can be substituted for solid fabrics with the same color names).

mockup of pumpkin halloween quilt pattern in oranges and creams and gray with text information at bottom
mockup of pumpkin halloween quilt pattern in oranges and creams and gray with text information at bottom
mockup of pumpkin halloween quilt pattern in oranges and creams with text information at bottom

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