The Summer Sugar Quilt Pattern
Capture the feeling of a lazy summer afternoon when you create a breezy summer quilt using our Summer Sugar Quilt Pattern. The Summer Sugar quilt pattern is a cheerful sampler quilt pattern featuring Pineapple, Cherry, Apple, Flower, Bee & Strawberry Quilt Blocks!

Today I’m excited to introduce you to the second of our July release quilt patterns, Summer Sugar! (the other new release is Picnic Crossing) It’s a sampler quilt made with some of my favorite things about summer. As you sew the quilt, you will create 3 of each block (except the stars), giving you a lot of project variety as you work on the pattern (less likely to get bored making the same block repeatedly).
About the Pattern
The Summer Sugar quilt pattern is the “main” quilt pattern that I designed with my new fabric collection with Riley Blake Designs, Summer Picnic. I actually started designing this quilt a few years ago but never felt “right”.
I set it aside until I started working on my initial sketches for Summer Picnic and thought that the two of them would go together like “peas & carrots” (there may be a lot of “food-related puns in this post *wink*).
The pattern features:
- All Traditional Quilt Piecing
- The Flower Blocks are appliqued (there are no raw edges). I applqied mine by machine, you can also do it by hand if you prefer.
- 24 Total Quilt Blocks including Star, Bee, Flower, Cherry, Apple, Pineapple & Strawberry Blocks
- Measures approx. 58″ x 86″ when finsihed.
- You will need a 1/2″ bias tape maker and some template plastic to complete the project.
How to Get the Pattern
I always offer my new patterns at a special “sale” price the first week they are available. This pattern is included in the sale!
You can find the pattern in my shop and many quilt shops. Digital-PDF & Printed copies are available. You can get both in my shop.
Join the Quilt Along!
This quilt will be part of a late-summer Quilt Along this year! I don’t have the exact dates yet but look for it sometime in August. I need to make sure that all of the stores have the opportunity to get their patterns/fabrics in stock before we start the quilt along! (Also, the Spooky Sampler quilt along starts July 26th, and I don’t want the two to overlap too much).
Super cute quilt! Wish a house remodel was not happening right now…cause this would be top of my long list!