Zippy Wet Pouch made from a Shower Curtain
I LOVE Summer!! I love the pool, the sun, vacations, grilling out, swimming and the “schedule less” days with my kids.
It seems like whenever we are on vacation and packing to come home, or swimming at a neighborhood pool something is always WET when I leave. I have to admit more than a few times the wet things are forgotten about in the bottom of the pool bag and end up mildewing and ruining all the other things around it!
I love to find fabric in “unexpected” places to sew with. A few years ago, when I was trying to make a baby changing pad in a more economical way, I discovered sewing with shower curtains.
They are cute, come in a variety of colors and styles, frequently go on sale and give you a lot of yardage for your money. When I found this one a few weeks ago I knew it needed to be made into something.
Sewing with a shower curtain is easy, you just need to remember a couple of things:
-don’t iron anything!! (it will melt, you can lightly steam if you really need to)
-a teflon sewing foot is needed.
For this project you will also need a 16″ zipper.
Cut your shower curtain so that you have 2 pieces 14″x17″ wide.
With right sides together, pin and sew around the 3 sides of the bag.
Clip corners & turn right side out.