College Kid Cleaning Kit with Free Printables and Target GiftCard® Giveaway!
I hope you enjoy this article on creating a cleaning kit for a college bound kids dorm. If you enjoy this post you may also like this DIY IKEA Raksog Vanity Cart or this post with 25 DIY Dorm Room Craft Ideas
This year she’s not in the dorms and I admit I’m a bit worried about the “cleaning situation”… Her and 5 other girls with no RA watching over them… *eeekkk* She’s not known for being the cleanest kid, so I thought she could use a little bit of extra help in the cleaning department this year.
I decided to go with the up & up brand at Target for the cleaning supplies. We are HUGE fans of their sunscreen (go through it like mad all summer long) so I knew that the brand offered a great product at a very good price.
In the cleaning kit I put:
Disinfecting Wipes: These things are great for EVERYTHING from kitchens to bathrooms to cars we use them ALL. THE. TIME. – They kill 99% of bacteria in just 15 seconds, which I love. I got her an extra pack for when this one runs out.
All Purpose Cleaner with Bleach: Told her to take care because it contains bleach. She can use one product to clean her kitchen sink, bathroom and shower…
Disinfecting Spray: Hopefully this will help stop germs from spreading through the apartment if anyone gets sick…fingers crossed.
I also threw in some Furniture Polish, dust cloths, sponges and rubber gloves, and I need to grab her some window cleaner before we leave.
After I got home I sat down and typed up little cleaning check lists for her. Just the basics for a nice clean apartment. There are pages for Kitchen, Living Room, & Bathroom and a couple of blank ones in the back. I laminated them and put them on a jump ring. That way she can use a dry erase marker to mark off what she has cleaned or make more “to clean” lists on the blank pages.
I thought about what would be the simplest order to clean each room in and put the “to do’s” in order on the list. If you’d like a copy for yourself I’ve included a FREE printable for you to download on the Templates page.
Just print, cut, laminate and you’re done!
Okay… for those of you sending kids off to school and especially for us college parents, how great would it be to win a $100 Target GiftCard®??? Pretty great right about now huh!?!?
Just leave a comment telling me what the best tip you gave to your kids when they went off to College (or the best tip someone gave you) and you’ll be entered to win!
To check out more up&up cleaning products, check out the following link or visit your local Target store.
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I love the up and up disinfecting wipes.
I think the best cleaning tip we ever had was to make a weekly chore chart. Each week, one girl was in charge of cleaning a different area of the apt. Then every Saturday morning we would all do our specific chore. The next week we would have a different area assigned to us. Kept it pretty fair and pretty clean. 🙂
The best advice was from my mother: First thing, make the bed. Before you unpack *anything.* That way, when you’re too tired to continue, you have a freshly-made bed to crawl into!
my mom taught me at an early age how to do laundry, drive a stick shift and use an alarm clock (along with other things) so i would have skills to take care of myself once i reached high school.
HI, my favorites are the disinfecting wipes!
Thanks for sharing!
The best tip I received was to join clubs to meet people.
To not let things go with your roommate — things that are a little annoying in the first week of living together will be SUPER GRATING by the end of the year.
To not neglect my nutrition is what my mother told me. I wish I had listened! When I was in college I would skip meals a lot and I actually got hepatitis and mono and had to spend 6 weeks in bed.
The best tip I got was to try to take some classes you enjoy along with the ones that you have to take!
My advice is stay focused and organized, don’t let anything overwhelm you, being dedicated pays off.
My Mom’s advice was to make sure I get enough sleep.
The best tip I ever received when I went to college was to not stay up too late and get plenty of sleep!
I tweeted under @yarbr012:
Best tips I got were to buy cheap flip flops and wear them everywhere in the dorms (and showers) and to drink water. The latter I forgot to do often, but when I did I felt significantly better after a night of drinking.
For those going off to college the best tip I gave was don’t feel overwhelmed pace yourself.
The best tip I heard was get a washable duvet cover for your bed, because with so much activity (eating, studying, visiting) going on in a small dorm room, they can get dirty easily and it’s much easier to wash a cover than having to take a giant comforter to the laundromat to find a big washer!
the best tip I received was to live on the top floor of a dorm without an elevator so i would get lots of exercise going up and down the stairs!!
I actually have a college freshmen this fall and I told him to choose his friends wisely.
Keep your dorm room locked at all times even when you are in the room and don’t invite anyone up to your room tweeted
Do something other than studying – join a club, sports, volunteer, get a job….something to keep you balanced and to make you manage your time well.
Tip: eat well and get enough sleep
I would tell them drink lots of water and don’t burn out.. college is expensive Im not paying for you to go drink!
I too have a child in college, I would say, “Call your mom!!” She loves you!!!
And my advice would be to keep your humor! College is stressful, take time to laugh! It relieves so much stress!! If that means playing games, or going to movies or hanging with friends??!! Find a way to laugh 🙂
You truly will look back on your college days with much fondness!!
Some of the best advice I received was to get involved in a few activities — not so many that I’d be overwhelmed, but enough to meet people and keep from becoming homesick.
The best tip my parents gave me was to eat breakfast. I didn’t follow it at first but when I started getting up early enough for the cafeteria breakfast, it really helped my hunger and energy for the day.
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live on campus
My best advice is to do a little everyday and to let it pile up. Easy steps like spraying after showering, using wipes on surfaces, etc..
The mini fridge can not hold a lot of food, but make sure to eat a healthy diet in college. Get fruit, yogurt and healthy energy bars. Make sure and eat healthy while in college. This will make it easier fighting colds and flu. Also, keep the hand sanitizer with you in case you can not get to the bathroom. And wipe down everything with disinfecting wipes daily.
Use oven cleaner to clean the oven and the shower. Works like a charm!
Try to plan and organize the night before for the next day.
The best tip I received was to not overeat because you WILL gain the “freshman 10” 10 lbs of weight gain from just eating bad !!
I ate bad, but I did not overeat. I also ran every day. 🙂
The best tip I got was to make sure I ate well and got rest. With classes and meeting new people, it was difficult to make it a priority, but it was so important!
The best tip I got was to do a semester of study abroad. I studied for a semester in London, and loved it!
The best tip I received when moving into my first dorm was to make my bed every day. In such a small living space it set the tone for the day and the room to keep the bed nice and tidy (and bonus: lots of throw pillows so the bed could double as a couch for friends dropping by!).
My best tip was don’t take Friday classes if you can help it!
to take schooling one day at a time, they will overwhelm you in the beginning, but you can do it.
I tweeted too
The best tip my mom told me was to not skip breakfast. In fact she used to make me breakfast until she remarried and I left home and when I used to skip breakfast I paid the price by feeling dizzy and impatient during the day.
We use a variety of Up&Up items in our home but my favorite are their freezer bags, trash bags and toilet bowl cleaner!
The best advice I was given is to focus on myself and not obsess about what everyone else is doing.
The best advice I got from my parents is to always have breakfast, no matter what.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
I love the baby wipes for my classroom. They are awesome!
I tweeted
The best tip I got was that the first year is a learning experience and to not feel like you have to do all the ‘right’ things and make all the ‘right choices’ – just do what you want and figure things out.
The best tip college tip someone gave me was to browse through the chapter summaries of the textbook at the beginning of the semester.
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get involved in an organization that interests you
I like their baby wipes!
onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
My daughter is only 4 years-old but my best advice for her would be to make sure she studies hard like I did. I had a full tuition scholarship and never paid a penny towards college. I hope she can do the same.
Work hard but take a break~
probably not to be a slob! 🙂 but that’s hard to tell college kids! that’s the best i got! lol
Hmmm, well my kids did college from home and when I went no one gave me any advice! I would say work hard and play hard — study first but enjoy these last years before huge life responsibilities begin.
I was told to work hard for everything and to appreciate the small things, be appreciative of help and to study hard and stand up for who I am.
best advice i received was to live within my means in college and not get into unnecessary debt
i tweeted
When my kids do go to college someday, I’ll tell them to wait to get married until they’re done!
The best tip I gave my son when he went to college was to get involved in as many things as his studies would allow. That is the quickest way to make friends and learn the ins and outs.
Study and work hard.
I received a lot of tips about laundry. I hadn’t ever done my own, and it helped to figure out the process!
Do a little every day — then you won’t be overwhelmed!
Just try to be yourself and work hard.
The best tip is to not wait until the last minute to get assignments done. Stay on top of your requirements.
The best tip I know of for young people going off to college is to move off-campus as soon as possible. Use that time to learn about living on your own (and with your flatmates) as well as learning all you can in your classes.
Here’s the link to my tweet about your post and the Target promotion:
The best tip I received was to join campus organizations right away, as it was the easiest way to make friends and feel at home on campus.
Definitely to keep lots of disinfectant spray and wipes handy. Germs get spread far and wide and FAST!
Our son just went off to college and I told him to go to his classes.
Best advice was have fun, have confidence, try new things!
The best advise I got was to rest and eat well! Do not try to do all night and ask for help when you need it!
I tweeted
The best tip I received was to learn how to cook simple meals with few ingredients to save money!
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
The advice I gave my son is to pray for a roommate that was also a clean freak. He has always keep his room super tidy. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
Sounds corny and maybe not the kind of tip you’re looking for, but I told my daughter to be herself…people will love her 🙂
tweeted –
My dad told me to take chances!
best tip I got was to follow my dreams.
Wash your hands often.
Clean a little every day…don’t wait until Saturday.
The best college tip I recieved was to do internships to make connections.
I tweeted at
Best tip is to do laundry every week so it doesn’t add up each week 🙂
I didn’t go to college and my kids went to college local and were still at home. So I don’t have a college tip. but I would tell them that disinfecting wipes will be your best friend when it comes to cleaning.
cshell090869 at aol dot com
cshell090869 at aol dot com
Hi, my mum told me to do what I loved and not to forget to clean up !
My tweet
my tweet
Best tip was to relax and enjoy it because it will go so fast!
When I started as a freshman, my mom told me to make sure that you are always organized because it will make school so much easier. And it did!
best advice i was given: don’t hide in your dorm. go out and be somewhere to meet new people and make friends.
my best tip i got before i went away was make a list of things u use on a daily bases and then pack them
always do your best in whatever you do
i posted a tweet here:
I told my son when he went off to college not to sign up for any credit cards.
The best cleaning tip I got was not to worry about anyone else’s space but keep my own clean.
Tweet –
The best tip that I got when going off to college was to always walk with a buddy. Girls don’t realize how dangerous college campuses can be. There is a false sense of security for sure.
I tweeted here:
best advice I gave was to soak it in and enjoy every minute
The best advice was bringing your laundry home is cheaper than popping quarters in the machines.
Don’t spend all your time in classes/studying – spend time with others and get involved in activities.
Don’t let your assignments pile up and wait til the last minute.
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Clean and sanitize your room.
The best advice was to get plenty of rest.
Study and not party
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
The best tip is to get enough rest every night and don’t stay up late
The best tip was to enjoy the experience because it will be over before you know it.
The best tip I gave my kids when they went off to college is to don’t slough off on your studies as well as don’t get caught up in the party life as these both can end your college days.
My parents told me to open myself to the opportunities out there. (I was shy).
My best cleaning tip so far for my daughter that just started college would be to not wait until it gets too bad. I have seen some of the other rooms in her suite and I am proud of her and her roomate for keeping their room so tidy when I know they are both busy girls!
i told my kids to get enough sleep, eat regularly, and make study the priority, not partying.
not to get a credit card
My best tips were related to laundry since I had never done my own before. I did, of course, learn the hard way with a red shirt in a load of whites!
Best tip was keep plenty of waterless antibacterial hand gel and lots of disinfectant wipes and spray. I got into the habit then and I’ve never got out of it. It keeps me and my family healthy when it seems the whole world around us is coming down with something contagious.
Best tip somebody gave me was to not sign up for credit cards.
Please disregard first tweet corrected link-
Best tip: Immerse yourself in all the university has to offer.
This is a very clever idea for college kids! I have a daughter leaving in the fall. I’d like to make a check,list for her. Is the link still available?
Best advice was if you want to meet your people, you have to put yourself out there! Join clubs, do infra mural sports etc.