Patchwork Quilt with Sarah Jane Fabric


I thought I’d share with you guys today a few photos of a quilt I made my youngest daughter for Christmas.  I’ve shared it with you briefly before as part of my handmade Christmas quilt along, but never really posted many pictures of the finished quilt.


This week Amy posted photos of her very purpley quilt  and it reminded me that I had not shared these photos yet.  We both were talking about how much we loved the Sarah Jane Studios fabric. The illustrations are so sweet and seem to personify the idyllic childhood I think that we all wish for our kids.


I combined the Sarah Jane fabric with several different 30’s reproduction prints.  I love how the the fabrics all came together.


Thrown in are a few squares of Heather Ross fabric, the little girl playing with the horses reminded me so much of my cute Kentucky girl, I had to use some of it.

The quilt is made from 6″ squares, I fussy cut many of them to show off the illustrations.  The back is flannel. Now that the quilts been in use for a few months (and washed more than a dozen times) I think I love it even more, it just gets softer!


Also… I’m thinking of hosting the Quilt Along again this year- anyone in???


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