The Breezy Bunting Quilt Pattern & Sew Along

The Breezy Bunting quilt pattern is a precut-friendly pattern made with a Jelly Roll or Rolie Polie of fabric. With its vibrant colors and endless design possibilities, the “Breezy Bunting” quilt pattern is a perfect choice for both seasoned quilters and those new to the craft.

colorful flag quilt on beach

Today I’m excited to introduce you to my newest quilt pattern, the Breezy Bunting Quilt! The quilt was inspired by bunting flags and is made using a precut roll of fabric.

This quilt is the pattern for our early Summer Sew along! There will be a series of videos walking you through the construction process.

Depending on the contents of your fabric roll, you can make this quilt with just ONE roll of fabric and your background fabric!

I think this quilt pattern is perfect for Summer, but it also looks fantastic stitched up in other colors for other seasons or no season.

close up of colorful precut quilt

About the Quilt Pattern

The quilt measures 56″ x 84″ when finished. I would consider this quilt a confident beginner quilt pattern.

colorful flag quilt on beach

Supplies Required:

Background Fabric: One 2 1/2″ precut roll of background fabric with at least 40 strips.

OR 2 1/2 yards fabric.

Print Fabrics: One 2 1/2″ precut roll of pattern fabric with at least 40 strips.

PLUS, an additional 1/4 yard of fabric in one of the prints in the precut roll. This fabric will be used if specific prints in the roll are useable (they are too close to the background fabric color) or if certain prints are only included in the roll one time. Depending on the makeup of your precut roll, you may not need this yardage.

OR 3 1/2 yards of Fabric Total in a Variety of Prints.

Backing: 6 Yards 44″ Wide Fabric OR 2 3/4 Yards Wide Back Fabric.

Binding: 3/4 Yard Fabric.

close up of colorful precut quilt

What is a Jelly Roll or Rolie Polie?

A Jelly Roll, or Rolie Polie, is a package of precut fabric that contains 42 2 1/2″ wide by Width of Fabric (WOF) strips. Most of the time, it features all of the fabric prints and colors in a specific fabric collection. Depending on the manufacturer, there may be more or less than 42 fabric strips on a roll.

stack of precut rolls of fabric in sewing room

Jelly Roll quilts and quilt patterns are very popular due to the time saved from using pre-cut fabrics. You also can use a large variety of prints and colors in your quilt project without needing to order multiple SKUs of fabric. Since stores will not sell you a 2 1/2″ cut of fabric, using a jelly roll can save you time and money.

The Breezy Bunting quilt pattern uses one of these precut fabric rolls. There is minimal cutting, which is one of my least favorite parts of quilting.

colorful flag quilt on beach

Examples of the Quilt Made with Additional Fabric Collections

I know that many of you love to see other options for the quilt in addition to the quilt on the cover of the pattern.

Here are a few mockups I made using various fabric collections.

mockup of the breezy bunting quilt in pink, blue and red fabrics

Fabric Collection: Summer Picnic by Riley Blake

Background Fabric: Ballerina Sparkler Fabric

For our “Use Your Roll” Quilt Along, I will make my example quilt from the above sketch using Summer Picnic and Ballerina Sparlker.

mockup of the breezy bunting quilt in halloween fabrics

Fabric Collection: Spooky Schoolhouse by Riley Blake – I will be teaching this quilt at the Garden of Quilts event this Fall.

Background Fabric: Iron Sparkler by Riley Blake

mockup of the breezy bunting quilt in pink, blue and red fabrics

Fabric Collection: Mint for You by Riley Blake

Background Fabric: Riley White

mockup of the breezy bunting quilt in pink, blue and red fabrics

Fabric Collection: Portsmouth by Amy Smart

Background Fabric: Beach Sparkler by Riley Blake

How to Get the Pattern

You can find the pattern in a digital PDF format in our shop. Use the button below or visit our store!

If you are outside of the USA, please purchase on Etsy.

Sew Along Information

I am hosting a quick summer quilt along with the Breezy Bunting quilt on my YouTube channel!

precut rolls of fabric on top of colorful quilt

I’m calling the quilt along the “Use your Roll” quilt along and challenging you to use a Jelly Roll that you already have! I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of precut fabrics in my fabric stash!

The Quilt Along dates are:

  • June 7: Intro
  • June 9: Cutting & Piecing Tips
  • June 16: Finishing

The quilt along will kick off on a Friday evening, giving you the weekend to sew. The blocks come together quickly, and the goal is to have all of the blocks sewn by the next Friday.

Don’t worry if you don’t finish on time; the videos will not be removed from YouTube so that you can work at your own pace!

How to Join the Quilt Along

I like to keep my sew and quilt alongs simple, and I don’t require you to sign up! The best way to participate is to subscribe to my YouTube channel; that way, you’ll be notified when the quilt along videos are live.

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