Tulip Quilt Block Pattern; RBD Challenge Block 4

Welcome to week 4 of the Riley Blake Quilt Block challenge. This week’s block is called Tulip and features a variety of piecing techniques.

blue and white quilt block on white cutting mat

I hope that you’re enjoying the block challenge so far. As a reminder, there are catch-up weeks built into the schedule, that is why there was not a block last week. If you need reminders, you can find the schedule on the introductory PDF for the challenge.

This week’s block is called Tulip and was designed by Jill Finley.

Quilt Block Construction Tips

blue and white quilt block on white cutting mat

The block features half-square triangles and flying geese blocks. Small flying geese blocks like these can be a little bit fiddly, so be sure to check our tips for sewing with small pieces of fabric.

My block did not turn out perfect, but I’m happy with it! A few tips for you when constructing this block:

  • Review our best pressing tips. Remember when you iron do not move back and forth, move your iron up and down and press.
  • Check your seam allowace. This block definetly needs a scant 1/4″ seam allowance. A scant 1/4″ seam allowance is one thread line in from a full 1/4″. A little bit of wiggle room either way can throw off the seams. Amy has a great explanation of a “scant” seam on her blog.
  • Use startch. To give the smaller pieces a bit more “weight” spray them with starch and press before you begin constrruting your block.

How to Get the Block Pattern

Fill out the form below and we will email you Block 4 in the challenge.

More Block Design Ideas

Here are a few more examples of the block sewn in different fabrics. As a reminder, my block is sewn using my fabric collection with Riley Blake, Sparkler.

blue and white geometric quilt block on white tabletop with sewing notions

Block sewn with Riley Blake solid fabrics; on Riley Blake’s Blog.

blue and white geometric quilt block on white tabletop with sewing notions

This block was created by Jill Finley with Conservatory Fabrics.

blue and pink quilt block on white mat on table with fabric

A sweet blue and pink block made with Enchanted Meadow fabrics by Bev at Flamingo Toes

Block Release Schedule

I have been sharing my blocks with you on Fridays, going forward I’ll be sharing my blocks on Wednesdays to more closely coordinate with the blocks pattern release by Riley Blake.

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