Gift Ideas for Teenage Girls; Gifts to Make & Buy

Today I have for you a round-up of Christmas gifts ideas for Teenage Girls. The list is broken down into two categories. Gifts to Make for teenage girls and gifts you can buy. I’ve even included a section for small stocking stuffer gift ideas!

I think I’ve mentioned it before, I have 2 teenage girls. Actually correction, one of them is over 20, so technically she’s not a “teen” anymore.

I’ve always been passionate about still creating handmade gifts for kids as they grow into their teenage years. Some of my kid’s favorite Christmas presents in past years have been quilts and blankets that I have made for them.  Don’t JUST make a quilt for a baby, make one for the teen in your life too!

Here’s a roundup gifts to DIY or buy for teen girls, if you like these ideas you may also love the projects in my book! (also makes a great gift for a teen or tween that loves to sew)

Also, be sure to check out my post with 3 Tips for Creating Handmade Gifts for Teens.

Project Teen Book by Melissa Mortenson - 21 Projects to Sew that Teens and Tweens will actually LOVE!

14 Gifts to Make for Teenage Girls (and Tweens)

Gifts Ideas for Teenage Girls; Things to Make

More than a dozen simple, cute and fun gifts that you can make for teen or tween girls.

10 + Christmas Gift Ideas for Teenage Girls; Things to Buy

Gifts to Buy for Teen Girls

Teen girls can be notoriously hard to buy for. From my experience though, most girls enjoy simple and useful gifts. This list includes many gifts that my two girls have received in the past and used over and over again.

10 Small Gifts & Stocking Stuffer Ideas

1. Sheet Face Masks Have you seen the photos of people who look like they have a face-shaped paper on their face? Well, they are using a face mask (it took me a while to figure that out). These masks are fun, I guarantee lots of giggles while they are using them.

2. Perfume Sampler– My daughter got this as a gift for my husband last year. It’s a sampler of perfume, that comes with a coupon for a full-size version of one of the fragrances. They can try out which ones they like before they buy.

3. Nail Polish Kit– It’s nail polish; enough said 🙂

5. AirPods Pro – These are a bit pricey but so much better than the original edition. I can’t live without mine, and my girls ADORE theirs!

6. Fuzzy Socks– My kids LIVE in these during the winter.

7. Makeup Blender Sponge– Cute packaging and it helps apply makeup smoothly.

8. EOS lip balm –  You can never have too many, in my opinion.

9. POP Socket- I don’t know how I ever lived without mine. I even have a hook to attach it in my car.

10. Battery Power Bank – Great for charging phones when you’re “out” all day long.

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